Admins are essential when adopting a new program; they hold the key to success with their knowledge of the program and the needs of the company. Hand over a new software with no training, no customization and no one to go to for help and it will quickly become a waste of time and money.
We’ve partnered with Linda Wade, a Certified Administrator, to help you, Salesforce admins, with your task of guiding your team through the learning process. Linda is also certified in: Administration Essentials, Advanced Administration and Salesforce University Certified Instructor for both Essentials and Advanced courses.
She really knows her stuff! Here are her top 5 Admin Tips & Tricks to Drive User Adoption:
1) Do your users see everything including the kitchen sink when looking at an Account or Opportunity page? Use record types to provide specific audiences with page layouts containing only the fields that are important to them! Less is more!
2) Do your sales or service processes have various lifecycles? Not a one size fits all? Use business process and record types together to manage different Sales and Service lifecycles!
3) Would you like to mass update object permissions? Turn on Enhanced Profile List Views in the User Interface section under Setup.
4) When you are working on updating profiles, is your page very long and you are constantly scrolling the page for what you need to update? Turn on Enhanced Profile User Interface for a cleaner, more organized way to manage your profiles.
5) User Interface: Do you have “Enable Inline Editing” and “Enable Enhanced List Views” turned on so that you may mass edit data in a list view? That’s great for the admin but are your users conducting mass updates and potentially harming data? If the answer is yes, then create a custom profile and turn off “Mass Edit from Lists” and assign to users.
We hope these get you off to a great start! Are there more than 5? Of course! There are so many tips and tricks that can help you based on what you need for your group. Let us know what you struggle with and we’ll set up a call to get you going in the right direction.
-L&D thoughts
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