AXIOM Insights: Articles

In a Technology-Based Process Improvement, the End User is the Most Expensive Component

When you are applying technology to a process, you should always involve the people most affected by the change: the end users.

What do you think is the single most expensive component of a technology-based process improvement? Consider these:

The answer is none of the above. The most expensive component of any investment in technology is the end user.

OK, it’s a trick question. But it’s a trick question only because most project teams do not consider the impact the technology will have on their user base; the people most affected by the new technology.

The most expensive component of any investment in technology is the end user.

Most projects define success as meeting the objectives in the original business case. Logically, these objectives are usually revenue and/or productivity based. Studies have consistently demonstrated that less than half of all projects meet their stated objectives. Some studies suggest failure rates as high as 80%! Software keeps getting better, hardware keeps getting faster, projects keep failing, and project managers keep popping antacids by the fistful. It seems that no matter how good the technology becomes, projects keep missing their objectives. Why?

We believe the answer is simply that the end user is usually ignored. Technology projects are generally created at the middle-management level, approved at the senior level, designed and built at the project team level.

Once the ball starts rolling, it is all too easy to become enamored with the technology and forget the real reason the investment is being made in the first place. In most cases, the project is about improving profits through improved productivity and data flow.

A technical project team can no more fully understand the issues facing a group of users any more than we can expect the same group of users to understand highly technical issues.

Some studies suggest failure rates as high as 80%!

What do we do to bridge this gap? Ask! During each phase of the project, involve your users in the following ways:

Always keep in mind that when you are applying technology to a process, you should always involve the people most affected by the change: the end users.