It’s spring! It may not feel like it, but it is! We’re heading into Q2 and we hope you are as busy as we are with new initiatives, projects and plans for the future.
Here at AXIOM we’re so excited for the ATD’s New England Area Conference “DisrupTD: For the New World of Work” March 30 and 31 in Chelmsford, MA.
AXIOM is a Silver Sponsor so we’ll have a booth in the main conference room; stop by and chat! Need a sweet treat to get you through the day? Join us at the Ice Cream Social, sponsored by AXIOM. Come get your favorite ice cream bar at 3 pm and say hello! Maybe you’re a salty snack-er, and not sweet…So would popcorn be more your thing? Grab your bag of freshly popped popcorn courtesy of AXIOM, as well.
Don’t miss us at the Pre-Conference Networking and Cocktail reception Thursday night, too. As you can see we’re really looking forward to this event. Along with many great sessions, networking with like-minded learning professionals and hearing great new ideas in our field, we’re especially looking forward to the keynote speaker, Donald H. Taylor, the 2007 Recipient of the Colin Corder Award for Services to Training.
Here’s what else we’ve been up to
- We always have open MS Office classes that you can take from the comfort of your own home or office. No
traveling required, just 90 minutes, the internet and your computer. You’ll learn new tips and tricks from a live instructor! Choose any subject, Power Point, Outlook, Word, Excel…any of the MS Office suite.
- Have you read the first installment of our “Top 10 Training Project Mistakes to Avoid“? Here’s the first tip, tip #2 coming next week!
- Friend and Partner Eric Bloom of Manager Mechanics is offering a new series on leadership for IT professionals. Get your PUDs here!
- Looking for a new job this spring? Check out our open opportunities on our website. We’re highly motivated to find an Agile Training right now, so let us know if you know someone!
Thanks for keeping up with us, we hope to see you at the ATD show on Friday!
-L&D thoughts
-Have a thought on our blog post? Please comment below, we love to start new discussions!