ATD Greater Boston Event – Cultivating your Project Sponsor

Not sure what to do this Thursday? ATD Greater Boston is sponsoring an event by well-known speaker Lou Russell and we have the sign up information!Event sign up

This talk, “Cultivating your Project Sponsor” is happening on Thursday, November 10 from 6 to 8 pm in Watertown, MA. You’ll learn about what a project sponsor is, how they influence your project and how to build trust in your team.

The Project Sponsor’s role on a  project is the single most critical predictor of project success.

In this session, Lou will share with you research and strategies that will help you influence up.  After attending, you’ll be able to:

  • Leverage the fact that Trust is Bi-directional and grow both ends
  • Identify and implement critical pre-requisites prior to cultivating your Sponsor
  • Clarify and build a strong knowledge of what a Project Sponsor expects and needs from both a business and personal position
  • Clarify and build a strong base with knowledge of what strengths and blind spots you bring to the relationship

Sign up is $15 for ATD Members and $40 for non-members. Want to become a member? Check out our post on the benefits you will receive.

Hope to see you there!

-L&D thoughts
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